Government announces a week of activity to celebrate Clean Growth

The Green GB week is bringing awareness of how business can help fight climate change. Implemented by government, it aims to cut overall emissions whilst still creating wealth for the country. In addition, ‘green energy’ has been a rising power within today’s markets, and the government is keen to push it even further. From transport to building improvements, now is the best time for businesses to make a change for the better.

Facts and Figures

  • 1990 – 2016. A 40% decrease of overall emissions.

From 2016 – 2017 there has been an increase of the following:

  • Offshore wind turbines- 27%
  • Onshore wind- 39%
  • Hydro electricity- 10%
  • Renewable heat- 3.6%
  • From 2017, 80% of new domestic property are of ‘B’ EPC rating.
  • The Climate change Act is 10 years old.

The Grand Challenge

The Grand Challenge is a strategy set out to put the UK at the forefront of industry. It aims to improve peoples lives and the country’s productivity.

It covers 4 main topics for improvement:

  • Artificial Intelligence and data
  • ageing society
  • clean growth
  • future of mobility

‘The move to cleaner economic growth – through low carbon technologies and the efficient use of resources – is one of the greatest industrial opportunities of our time. By one estimate, the UK’s clean economy could grow at four times the rate of GDP. Whole new industries will be created and existing industries transformed as we move towards a low carbon, more resource-efficient economy.’ –


During the week, events are being planned to showcase the UK’s low carbon technologies. In addition, these events will also showcase financial products and business models to tackle climate change. Therefore, these events will also supply a solid focal point to advertise British business to international investors.

A detailed programme for the week is under development, and will include a focus on:

  • UK leadership on climate change
  • the latest climate science
  • the clean technologies of future
  • financing the low carbon economy
  • clean growth as a business opportunity
  • climate action in communities

[Facts and Figures on this article were taken from]